Compulsory |
ΜΕΑ_111 | Mathematics I | Malefaki Sonia |
ΜΕΑ_113 | Chemistry | Sakellariοs Antonios, Mihanetzis Georgios |
ΜΕΑ_114 | Material Science I | Polatidis Efthymios |
ΜΕΑ_115 | Mechanical Drawing and Machine-Shop Training I | Mourtzis Dimitris, Stavropoulos Panagiotis, Makris Sotirios |
ΜΕΑ_128 | Special Topics in Physics for Engineers | Loutas Theodoros |
ΜΕΑ_129 | Introduction to Computer Science | Chrysochoides Nikolaos, Saravanos Dimitris |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ111 | English Ι | Togia Pagona |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ112 | French I | Georgiou Alexandra |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ113 | German Ι | Zoe Marilena |
ΜΕΑ_Π112 | Introduction to Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering | Adamides Emmanuel, Georgiou Paraskevas, Michalakakou Panagiota, Mourtzis Dimitris, Loutas Theodoros |
ΜΕΑ_Π113 | Introduction to Philosophy I | Dimitrakos Theodoros |
ΜΕΑ_Π118 | Introduction to economics for scientists and engineers | Chatzistamoulou Nikolaos |
ΜΕΑ_121 | Mathematics ΙΙ | Papadopoulos Policarpos |
ΜΕΑ_123 | Material Science II | Polatidis Efthymios |
ΜΕΑ_124 | Mechanics (Statics) | Philippidis Theodore |
ΜΕΑ_126 | Mechanical Measurements | Nikolakopoulos Pantelis, Filippatos Angelos |
ΜΕΑ_127 | Mechanical Drawing and Machine-Shop Training II | Mourtzis Dimitris, Stavropoulos Panagiotis, Sotirios Makris |
ΜΕΑ_130 | Computer Programming | Chrysochoides Nikolaos, Karacapilidis Nikos, Lazanas Alexis, Christodoulou Spyridon |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ121 | English ΙΙ | Delli Vasiliki |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ122 | French IΙ | |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ123 | German ΙΙ | Savva Frideriki |
ΜΕΑ_Π124 | History of Technology | Mourtzis Dimitris |
ΜΕΑ_Π127 | Technical Documentation | Karacapilidis Nikos, Polatidis Efthymios, Stavropoulos Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_211 | Mathematics ΙΙΙ | Petropoulou Eugenia |
ΜΕΑ_213 | Mechanics (Dynamics) | Loutas Theodoros, Kostopoulos Vassilis(Professor Εmeritus) |
ΜΕΑ_214 | Strength of Materials Ι | Tserpes Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_215 | Thermodynamics Ι | Souflas Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_218 | Manufacturing Systems I and Laboratory | Mourtzis Dimitris, Stavropoulos Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_229 | Introduction to business administration | Adamides Emmanuel, Karacapilides Nikos |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ211 | English ΙΙΙ | Delli Vasiliki |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ212 | French IΙΙ | Sdouga Aggeliki |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ213 | German ΙΙΙ | Savva Frideriki |
ΜΕΑ_217 | Electrical Circuits and Electrical Machines | Nikolakopoulos Georgios, Koustoumpardis Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_222 | Mechanics (Vibrations) | Polyzos Demosthenes, Chrysochoides Nikolaos |
ΜΕΑ_223 | Strength of Materials II | Tserpes Konstantinos, Lampeas George |
ΜΕΑ_224 | Thermodynamics ΙΙ | Souflas Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_225 | Manufacturing Processes and Laboratory II | Mourtzis Dimitris, Stavropoulos Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_227 | Applied Mathematics | Papadopoulos Policarpos |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ221 | English ΙV | Delli Vasiliki |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ222 | French IV | |
ΜΕΑ_Ξ223 | German ΙV | Savva Frideriki |
ΜΕΑ_400 | Student Work | |
ΜΕΑ_411 | Dynamics of Mechanisms and Machines | Koustoumpardis Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_415 | Introduction to Finite Element Analysis | Saravanos Dimitris, Chrysochoides Nikolaos |
ΜΕΑ_416 | Thermal Engines | Souflas Konstantinos, Nikolaidis Theoklis |
ΜΕΑ_417 | Turbomachinery | Vouros Andreas |
ΜΕΑ_418 | Systems and Automatic Control I | Sakellariou Ioannis |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ38 | Light Structures | Lampeas George |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ4 | Mechanical Behavior of Materials | Tserpes Konstantinos, Polatidis Efthymios |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ5 | Biomechanics Ι | Sakellariοs Antonios, Deligianni Despina (Professor Εmeritus), Athanasiou Georgios (Retired Faculty Member), Apostolopoulos Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ7 | Special Topics in Computing | Not to be taught during the academic year 2024-2025 |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΥ1 | Theory of Elasticity | Tserpes Konstantinos |
1. Division of Design & Manufacturing
ΜΕΑ_400 | Student Work | |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΥ3 | Robotics | Dermatas Evangelos, Nikolakopoulos Georgios, Koustoumpardis Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΥ9 | Computer Numerical Control (CNC) | Mourtzis Dimitris |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ26 | Stochastic Signals and Systems | Fassois Spilios |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ45 | Sound Technology | |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ99 | Practical Training | Mourtzis Dimitris |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ6 | Machninery Diagnostics and Prognostics | Sakellariou Ioannis |
Κ500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΥ8 | Engineering Design | Nikolakopoulos Pantelis, Filippatos Angelos |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ15 | Special Topics in Manufacturing Systems | Mourtzis Dimitris, Stavropoulos Panagiotis, Sotirios Makris |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ24 | Industrial Automation | Nikolakopoulos Georgios, Koustoumpardis Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΥ1 | Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Dermatas Evangelos, Filippatos Angelos |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ23 | Systems and Automatic Control ΙΙ | Sakellariou Ioannis |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΥ4 | Vibrations of Mechanical Systems | Nikolakopoulos Pantelis, Teaching Research Staff, P.D. 407/80, Postdoc |
Κ500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΥ16 | Computer Aided Design | Nikolakopoulos Pantelis, Filippatos Angelos |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ12 | Tribology in machine design | Nikolakopoulos Pantelis |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ21 | Non Conventional Manufacturing Processes | Stavropoulos Panagiotis |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΕ44 | Dynamic Identification and Structural Health Monitoring | Sakellariou Ioannis |
ΜΕΑ_ΚΥ10 | Material Conveying Machines | Makris Sotirios |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ17 | Aircraft Systems | Sakellariou Ioannis |
2. Division of Energy, Aeronautics & Enviroment
ΜΕΑ_400 | Student Work | |
ΜΕΑ_413 | Thermal Power Plants | Souflas Konstantinos, Romeos Alexandros |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΥ5 | Theory and Technology of Gas Turbines | Koutmos Panayiotis |
ΜΕΑ_EE32 | Simulation of Multiphase Flows | Margaris Dionisios (Professor Εmeritus) |
ΜΕΑ_EE7 | Natural Gas Technology | Not to be taught during the academic year 2024-2025 |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ21 | Aeroacoustics and Noise of Aerovehicles I | Menounou Penelope |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ16 | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Kallinderis Yannis |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ37 | Compressible Flow | Kallinderis Yannis, Vouros Andreas |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ14 | Flight Mechanics | Menounou Penelope |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ99 | Practical Training | Koutmos Panayiotis, Souflas Konstantinos |
Ε500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
MEA_EY6 | Renewable Energy Sources | Michalakakou Panagiota |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ13 | Combustion and Pollutants | Koutmos Panayiotis |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ24 | Aeroacoustics and Noise of Aerovehicles II | Koutmos Panayiotis, Michalakakou Panagiota, Papadopoulos Polykarpos, Nikolaidis Theoklis, Souflas Konstantinos, Vouros Andreas, Romeos Alexandros |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ11 | Experimental Fluid Dynamics / Aerodynamics | Vouros Andreas |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ48 | Measurements of air traffic noise | Koutmos Panayiotis, Michalakakou Panagiota, Papadopoulos Polykarpos, Nikolaidis Theoklis, Souflas Konstantinos, Vouros Andreas, Romeos Alexandros |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ50 | Numerical Methods for partial differential equations | Papadopoulos Polykarpos |
Ε500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΥ18 | Energy Design and Airconditioning of Buildings | Michalakakou Panagiota, Romeos Alexandros |
ΜΕΑ_EE49 | Aerospace Propulsion Systems | Nikolaidis Theoklis |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ9 | Nuclear Technology: Fission and Fusion | Siakavellas Nikolaos (Professor Emeritus) |
3. Division of Applied Mechanics, Technology of Materials and Biomechanics
ΜΕΑ_400 | Student Work | |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ6 | Finite Elements for Structural Analysis | Saravanos Dimitris |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΥ2 | Introduction to Composite Materials | Tserpes Konstantinos, Papanikolaou Georgios (Professor Emeritus) |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ10 | Biomechanics ΙΙ | Sakellarios Antonios, Athanasiou Georgios (Retired Faculty Member), Apostolopoulos Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ16 | Advanced Strength of Materials | Lampeas George, Tserpes Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ18 | Wave Propagation and Dispersion | Kostopoulos Vassilis (Professor Εmeritus), Polyzos Demosthenes, Loutas Theodoros |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ33 | Design with Failure Tolerance | Lampeas George, Tserpes Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ8 | Mechanics with Advanced Computers | Not to be taught during the academic year 2024-2025 |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ34 | Special Topics in the Analysis of Aircraft Stuctures | Lampeas George |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ30 | Space Technologies | Kostopoulos Vassilis (Professor Εmeritus), Lappas Vayos |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ99 | Practical Training | Loutas Theodoros |
Μ500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΥ3 | Mechanics of Composite Materials | Philippidis Theodore |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ19 | Introduction to Aeronautical Materials | Lampeas George, Tserpes Konstantinos, Polatidis Efthymios |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ27 | Biomaterials | Sakellariοs Antonios, Deligianni Despina(Professor Εmeritus), Mihanetzis Georgios |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ40 | Structural Dynamics | Chrysochoides Nikolaos, Saravanos Dimitris |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΥ13 | Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity | Lampeas George, |
Μ500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΥ22 | Experimental Methods for Composite Materials | Loutas Theodoros, Sotiriadis Georgios-Alexandros |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ34 | Artificial Organs | Sakellariοs Antonios, Mihanetzis Georgios, Apostolopoulos Konstantinos |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ14 | Non Destructive Inspection of materials and structures | Loutas Theodoros |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΥ12 | Design with Composite Materials | Philippidis Theodore |
4. Division of Management & Organization Studies
ΜΕΑ_400 | Student Work | |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΕ6 | Management Information Systems | Karacapilidis Nikos, Christodoulou Spyridon |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΥ2 | Industrial Management | Georgiou Paraskevas |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΕ16 | Environmental Management and Circular Economy | Adamides Emmanuel |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΕ17 | Introduction to Marketing | Karagianni Despina |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΕ7 | Ergonomics | Adamides Emmanuel |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΕ99 | Practical Training | Karacapilides Nikos |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΥ14 | Εxperimental Data Analysis | Malefaki Sonia |
Δ500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΥ4 | Operations Research ΙΙ | Georgiou Paraskevas |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΕ10 | Analysis & Design of Information Systems | Karacapilidis Nikos, Lazanas Alexis, Christodoulou Spyridon |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΥ5 | Statistical Quality Control | Malefaki Sonia |
Δ500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_326 | Operations Strategy | Adamides Emmanuel |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΕ11 | Occupational Health & Safety | Adamides Emmanuel |
ΜΕΑ_ΔΥ8 | Technology – Innocation – Entrepreneurship | Adamides Emmanuel |
ΜΕΑ_400 | Student Work | |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ14 | Flight Mechanics | Menounou Penelope |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ21 | Aeroacoustics and Noise of Aerovehicles I | Menounou Penelope |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ30 | Space Technologies | Kostopoulos Vassilis (Professor Εmeritus), Lappas Vayos |
ΜΕΑ_ΕΕ37 | Compressible Flow | Kallinderis Yannis, Vouros Andreas |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ31 | Computational Aerodynamics | Kallinderis Yannis |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ34 | Special Topics in the Analysis of Aircraft Stuctures | Lampeas George |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ99 | Practical Training | Koutmos Panayiotis, Souflas Konstantinos |
Μ500 | Diploma’s Thesis | |
ΜΕΑ_EE49 | Aerospace Propulsion Systems | Nikolaidis Theoklis |
ΜΕΑ_ΑΜ17 | Aircraft Systems | Sakellariou Ioannis |
ΜΕΑ_ΜΕ33 | Design with Failure Tolerance | Lampeas George, Tserpes Konstantinos |