ΜΜ13 | Structural Integrity

Postgraduate Study Program | Computational and Experimental Engineering and Advanced Materials
Basic design philosophies of structural components and parts, definitions of structural integrity. Basic elements of Fracture Mechanics, Fracture phenomena, Linear Mechanics of Fracture – Griffith Theory and Failure Criterion. The concept of stress intensity factors and methods for their determination. Parameters influencing the stress intensity factor – effect of the plastic band. The concept of the critical tension intensity factor. Experimental techniques for determining the critical stress intensity factor. The concept of residual strength. Determination of critical crack length – Determination of critical failure load. Basic elements of non-destructive methodologies. Application of structural integrity in aerospace structures, aging aircraft problem. Numerical methods, experimental methods in the determination of structural integrity.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes