ΜΜ12 | Energy Theorems and Variational Formulations in Theory of Elasticity

Postgraduate Study Program | Computational and Experimental Engineering and Advanced Materials
Basics in Tensor calculus, Stress (Body and surface forces, Tractions, Stress tensor, Equilibrium equations, Stress transformation, Principal stresses), Strain (Finite strain tensor, Small deformation theory, Strain compatibility, Principal strains, Dilatation, Spherical and Deviatoric strain), Stress-strain relations, Boundary value problems in the linear elasticity theory, Formulation and solution strategies for plane elasticity
Energy methods in the theory of elasticity (Clapeyron theorem, Principle of virtual work, Principles of Minimum Potential and Complementary Energy, Theorems of Work and Reciprocity/Betti-Rayleigh Reciprocal theorem, Rayleigh-Ritz Method, Ritz method applications: Finite Elements, Weak formulation of governing equations in plane elasticity by means of the weighted residuals method).
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self