ΜΕ21 | Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems
Potential or Ideal Flow: Fundamental principles of potential flow. Fluid deformation. Vorticity. Rotational and Irrotational flow. Stream function and velocity potential. Creeping flow. Hele-Shaw flow around airfoil, sphere, cylinder, and Rankine bodies.
Governing Equations of Motion: Real and perfect fluids. Viscosity and compressibility. Equation of continuity, momentum (Navier-Stokes), energy. Exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes and energy equations. Non-Dimensional form of flow equations. Non-Dimensional characteristic numbers.
Vortices: Formation of a vortex ring. Trailing vortices from a rectangular wing. Karman vortex street behind a cylinder.
Laminar Boundary Layer: Outline of boundary layer theory. Prandtl’s approximation of the boundary layer. Separation and vortex formation. Similar solutions of the boundary layer equations. The momentum and energy integral equations for the boundary layer. Blasius flow on a flat plate.
Turbulent Boundary Layer: Fundamental equations. Turbulent boundary layer of circular pipes and flat plate. The case of the smooth flat plate and that of the rough plate.
Separation of the boundary layer: Fundamental principles of separation. Boundary layer control by means of suction or injection of a different gas. Acceleration of the boundary layer.
Flow around immersed bodies: Drag and Lift forces. Determination of the profile drag. Influence of Reynolds and Mach numbers on the drag and lift calculations.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes